Haily's Sensory Slime!

Meet Haily, one of our Children’s Respite clients,

One of Haily’s favorite activities is to make slime. With the assistance of our support staff, Hailey made slime from boiling Psyllium husks in water before deciding which colour she would like it to be. She chose green.

Not only is this a fun activity for Hailey, the benefits of sensory play are also greatly positive in assisting with calming and self-regulating her when she becomes agitated. Sensory play involves stimulating the senses; touch, taste, smell, and visual, to assist in improving communication, coordination, and developing motor skills.

Haily loves the interaction with staff and doesn’t hesitate to offer you a bowl of slime as an invitation to connect and play. Her facial expressions are beautiful and her anticipation while the slime is being made is wonderful. This allows staff to have conversations and communicate through the process.

Haily will leave the table when she has decided she needs to wash her hands. She hands the slime to support staff and indicates the place on the bench where the slime sits so she can explore again when she is ready.

It has been a great learning experience for both staff and Haily to find a new and enjoyable experience with such fantastic benefits!