Quarterly Catch Sessions

As a way of celebrating the accomplishments of clients and employees from the previous three months of the year, as well as reviewing the most recent news and updates from throughout the organisation, this week Mosaic officially wrapped-up another batch of ‘Quarterly Catch’ sessions! These sessions were a great opportunity for employees from across the organisation to come together as One Mosaic, to celebrate and acknowledge those throughout the organisation for their efforts and accomplishments, as well as engaging in meaningful and collaborative discussions about their dream goals for Mosaic moving forward.

Thank you to the wonderful employees that were able to attend this quarters sessions, further enacting the wonderful culture of the FiSH! Philosophy throughout Mosaic, as well as assisting in enabling Mosaic clients to be ‘Living Life My Way’.

We would also like to thank C3 Conference Center for being fantastic hosts, ensuring that Mosaic employees were well catered for and safely able to occupy the space whilst adhering to room capacity limits and physical distancing.