SIL Vacancy
Key Features:
Independent bedsit
Separate bathroom with shower
Level access
Walking distance to local amenities and public transport
10 - 15 minutes from CBD

About the property:
Located in a quiet street, this bedsit is located on the same property as a SIL house that has support workers on site 24/7. There is level access to the bedsit with capacity for one-person occupancy. The bedsit features a kitchenette and a separate bathroom with a shower. Just a short walk from local amenities including Woolworths and Chemist Warehouse, and access to public transport.
Current residents:
The bedsit is currently vacant. The house located on the same property is home to 4 women in their late fifties to early sixties but has separate access to the bedsit.
Is this home right for you?
The home is ideal for anyone who is looking to increase their independence and does not require support at all times but with the security of knowing there is always someone available at the house. The new resident can choose to engage with the residents at the house and participate in activities and mealtimes, or to pursue activities on their own in the bedsit.
To be suitable for this vacancy, you will require funding from NDIA or MAIB. If you do not have funding with these providers, we can work with you to acquire this funding.
More information:
For further information regarding property details or inspections, please complete our Enquiry Form, and a member of our Intake team will be in contact.